Open Access: An Incessant Possibility to Articulate

Open Access (OA) refers to the free, immediate, unrestricted electronic availability of research outputs such as journal articles, book chapter, proceedings, monograph, short communication or books, combined with the rights to use these for everyone.

Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is a unique and extensive index of diverse open access high-quality peer-reviewed journals from around the world available online for everyone has become a gold standard for open access publishing. DOAJ works to build an equitable and diverse scholarly ecosystem where trusted research can be accessed globally without barriers regardless of discipline, geography or language. Presently, DOAJ indexing is available in 89 languages, represented by 136 countries, covers 21,199 journals and 10578,655 articles.

The journals under the IP Innovative Publication are open access in nature; refers to free (without any accessing fees/subscription charge), unrestricted access to manuscripts. Articles are freely available immediately after publication without any registration. This OA Policy of the journals gives opportunities the academicians, researchers, students, readers, scholars, and any layperson from anywhere to anytime have rapid access to the latest research finding. Currently 54 journals under IP Innovative Publication cover 91631 manuscript submissions out of which 22872 papers published, 13309932 articles downloaded and 29724892 articles viewed which cannot be possible without implementing of said policy. Due to this OA policy, our publication in Indian Journal of Microbiology Research entitles “Response surface methodology (RSM): An overview to analyze multivariate data” ( published in 2022 cached the citation of 51 in prestigious journal articles covered under MDPI, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Cell Press, Springer and many more in very short period of time that highlight the quality standard and its omnipresence without any prior permission and fee constrains.


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